Connect With Us - Contact VCC
10am: Corporate Prayer
10:30am: Praise / Worship, Prayers of Faith, Teaching, Ministry, Communion & Fellowship
LOCATION: 9960 Linn Station Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40223 (see photos map below)
-From I-64, Exit Hurstbourne Pkwy North to Linn Station Rd, turn right (2nd traffic light).
--From Shelbyville Rd., go South on Hurstbourne Pkwy to Linn Station Rd (4th traffic light), turn left).
Who We Are:
Victory Christian Center (VCC) is a fast growing Spirit-filled, charismatic church that welcomes every generation, every denomination, every race, every gender and teaches/preaches "thanks be to God, who gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus, the Christ!
Victory Christian Center (VCC) is a fast growing Spirit-filled, charismatic church that welcomes every generation, every denomination, every race, every gender and teaches/preaches "thanks be to God, who gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus, the Christ!
What to Expect
- We invite you to join us for our 10:30am AM Sunday services with Roy, Betty, Marcus & Michelle Coleman (Pastors), also the entire VCC Ministry Team!
- At Victory Christian Center ( VCC) y ou will experience G od t through loving interaction with other Christians, passionate praise and worship, and the ministry of a message from God that will change your life forever! God has a future for you!
We also invite you to join us for our 7 PM Wednesday midweek service (In-Person & ZOOM ONLINE).
Adults REAL Bible Study will surely enrich your walk with Christ. At VCC, we minister to the whole family. Invite your family, friends and coworkers to join us!
Join us Wednesday, 7PM (EST), on Zoom, for Prayer & REAL Bible Study. Topic: Usually different weekly.
Zoom logins (all 1 touch dial, wait for auto login).
Wednesday 7PM (EST), In-Person & on Zoom, for REAL Bible Study, & Prayer.
Topic: Different each week
Zoom logins (all 1 touch dial, wait for auto login).
Meeting ID: 822 2796 0902
Passcode: 662270
Mobile (audio & video):
Victory Kids Church provided for children PreK-5th Grade. (classes wilil l resume soon)
- UNLEASHED Youth Ministry provided for Middle and Senior High School Youth on Wednesday nights, 7PM. (meetings will resume soon)
Come & SEE What God Can Do THROUGH You this year, and beyond!
Ephesians 3:20 Time!! Receive Teaching & Preach in Live in , Destiny, Goals & Mission through Y OU t his year, a nd beyond!
[email protected] - 502.457.5557
1st Time Guest,
Thank you for attending VCC to honor our God, our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ and His Anointed Holy Spirit! This was a great day because of the high honor of your presence, prayers, encouragement and support. WE THANK YOU for worshiping with the “Church” at Victory Christian Center ( VCC)!
We believe our God has given us a strong Word on faith, peace, prayer, healing, grace, renewing of our minds, gifts o f t he Spirit, atmosphere for signs and wonders, growing up spiritually and the whole counsel of God’s Word. Also, getting an understanding of our most precious New Covenant! Visit our website for abundant information about Victory Christian Center: victoryccc.org (ß click here).
A generous portion of God’s tithes and offerings received at VCC are given to l ocal and foreign missions, including: River City Love Squad, Wayside Christian Mission, Lord’s Kitchen , Africa, Ecuador, jail and prison ministries, and others dear to the heart of our God.
Sunday re-broadcast of all teaching / preaching are available at victoryccc.org/sermons. Click the link for a list of past services available f or viewing 24/7.
Enough for now, we pray for you, please pray for us at VCC. Remember….pray, sing, smile, dance, give liberally, love God and ALL His people, win the lost to Jesus Christ….and be happy!
Roy, Betty and all the Spirit-filled Believers at VCC!
Roy & Betty Coleman , Pastors/Ministers/Founders
Marcus & Michelle Coleman, Associate Pastors, on Sabbatical, attending Rhema Bible Training College, Tulsa, OK
Thank You for Being Our Guest!
Quick Reference Info:
- Your Salvation (
- This New Life, for Christians (((a
- Teaching / Preaching
- Need Prayer Agreement? - Prayer Requests
- Your Healing
- Online Giving
- Missions
- Contact Us
- Victory Resources
But thanks be to God, who gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 st Corinthians 15:57)