Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Last year we began a new teaching series below at VCC. You are invited to Fast with us (NOT A FOOD FAST) and be a part of this awesome permanent in change in your life and family! Get a notebook and print these 40 daily teachings and save for reference and using often as needed. Please forward these to everyone you know needing CHANGE in their THINKING and SPEAKING to whatever God’s Word says!
The Prophet Jeremiah said it best when he said that God’s plan for you is for GOOD and not for harm; to give you a GREAT FUTURE and GREAT EXPECTATION for the BEST DAYS ahead (Jeremiah 29:11).
I believe there is nothing greater in life than knowing that you can experience the power to be changed forever. No matter what your situation or circumstance, God’s power is available to you right now!
You may be facing a storm in your life right now--in your health, in a relationship, in your finances, in your heart—but I want you to know that God’s has a better plan for your life!
Perhaps, like many, you started the year hoping things would get better for you; hoping things would change; perhaps even hoping to stick to your resolutions. But if you’re like most people, who gave up their resolutions after the first 18 days of the year, you’re ready to see real change, real results, and real turnaround in your life.
We want to introduce you briefly to the revolution that is changing the way people think & speak in line with our NEW COVENANT...and God’s New Covenant PROMISES to bless you! (Reason for the Resurrection!)
- You can only live God’s kind of life by thinking God’s kind of thoughts...based on His Word
- You’ll never experience VICTORY if you are defeated in your mind (Rom. 12:1-2). Renewing
our Minds is most critical element in Christian life, after salvation and being filled with the Spirit! - You’ll never experience healing if your thoughts are consumed with sickness (1 Peter 2:24)
- You can’t walk in all God has for you, when inside you’re full of doubt and fear. (James 1:5-8 & 2nd Timothy 1:7
But, beloved, when you unlock the true power inside of you ... the Holy Spirit inside of you, you can do anything God has called you to do! (Philippians 4:13).
Let’s start by going on a fast, not from food or other things, but from wrong THINKING & SPEAKING...and replace with correct THINKING & SPEAKING, and application of our NEW COVENANT, and New Covenant Promises, cut in the blood of Jesus! Through simple, daily steps, you will see every area of your life change.
This isn’t a fast from food or other things, this is a transforming, 40-day Fast from Wrong Thinking & Speaking; it is a revolution from the inside out...using God’s Word! It’s simple, it’s easy and you CAN see the results you’ve only dreamed and prayed about.
"Permanent Change From the Inside Out: Forty Days (40) of Fasting from Wrong Thinking & Wrong Speaking!
"In this teaching series of teachings we will:
1. Learn the secrets to true life change through the Word of God!
2. Discover how to escape cycles of defeat and, think God's thoughts to see a positive transformation in your relationships, your physical body, your emotions, your finances and so much more!
Today we begin a brand new journey that is sure to change your life. For the next 40 days, we are going on a FAST--not a fast from food; but a fast from wrong thinking. As we take thoughts captive, we are winning the battle of the mind. And when we conquer our mind and our mindsets, we simply cannot be conquered!
Day 1: "Is there any hope?" or "There's no hope."
Today we begin a new journey that is sure to change your life.
"Permanent Change From the Inside Out: Forty Days (40) of Fasting from Wrong Thinking & Wrong Speaking!!
For the next 40 days we are going on a FAST--NOT A FOOD FAST; but a fast from wrong thinking.
As we take thoughts captive, we are winning the battle of the mind. And when we conquer our mind and our mindsets, we simply cannot be conquered!
#1: 7-10-19: "Is there any hope?" or "There's no hope."
It's so important to understand that our thought life is the gateway to our destiny. God's purpose, plan, and will for your life doesn't start with a great dream or great effort on your part. It simply starts with right thinking; mindsets that line up with God's way of thinking. Let’s begin!
Today we FAST from the thought that says, "Is there any hope?" or "There's no hope." Problems mount; society seems to be getting worse; the economy continues to struggle. Is there any hope?
Let’s Change It Today:
1. See Hope as a GIFT. Jeremiah 29:11 says: God GIVES you hope. It’s a gift. It is not earned or deserved. When hope seems lost, just ASK for this precious gift.
2. God has a plan! No matter how it looks, He has a master plan that includes getting you through whatever you're facing! Jeremiah 29:11 Message says, "I know what I'm doing. I have it all PLANNED out…"
3. Your great future is a gift too! Accept a great future, as a gift, no matter what the present looks like now. "…to GIVE you a future & a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11b)
4. Believe in the POWER of the Holy Spirit today. Romans 15:13 says, "The God of Hope fill you with all joy & peace, through believing—that you may overflow with hope by the POWER of the Holy Spirit.”
5. Get some substance. Faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1). Stand on ONE promise from God's Word today. That's what gives you substance—makes your hope substantial.
Think It & Say It:
-My God is the God of hope.
-He never runs out, therefore I never run out.
-Hope is a gift, and I ask for it and receive it right now.
-I trust God's plan will overtake my situation.
-My future is great. God has it all planned out.
-The power of the Holy Spirit is working in me, to flood me to overflowing, with hope, in Jesus' Name.
DAY 2: "Will this situation ever turnaround?"
Be Transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Day 2: "Will this situation ever turnaround?"
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Will this situation ever turnaround?" We all come up against some stubborn situations or areas of our life, where it just doesn't seem like it will turn around.
Let's change it today:
1. See God as your turnaround-specialist. There are experts in business who come into a company and whip that company into shape, saving it from disaster and loss. THAT'S THE GOD WHO LIVES IN YOU. He turns mourning into rejoicing (Psalm 30:11); turns darkness to light; turns the curse into a blessing, etc.
2. Expectation is the womb of manifestation. Ephesians 3:20. Expect turnarounds today. TODAY IS THE DAY! 2 Corinthians 6:2
3. Think: Turning Point. Every turnaround has a turning point. When you turn your thinking—your thinking turns your life. Proverbs 23:7
4. Don't see time as your enemy. In ONE MOMENT, God can turnaround YEARS of defeat and frustration. Esther 9:1 says, “In that very day, God TURNED IT to the contrary…”
5. Believe God's love for you today. Love turns things around. Deuteronomy 23:5
6. Believe in DUE SEASON. Galatians 6:9 says, “In due season you SHALL reap—if you don't faint.”
Think It & Say It:
-God is my turnaround specialist.
-He lives in me and is right now at this moment, bringing forth my turnaround. BECAUSE HE LOVES ME, He is turning my life into a blessing.
-My due season is coming.
-My turning point begins in my thinking today, in Jesus' Name.
Day 3: "I'll never be able to change this area of my life."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says,
"I'll never be able to change this area of my life." Let’s change it today:
1. Fast from wrong thinking! You are doing that NOW.
2. Stop trying so hard; and expect change to happen TO you. Romans 12:2 says: BE TRANSFORMED—by the renewing of your mind.
3. Give up on promising God you will change. HE will change you, as you renew your mind. Jeremiah 18:6
4. Think: FIRE and HAMMER. Expect God's Word to burn it out of you or break it off of you! Jeremiah 23:29 says, "Is not My word like fire? And like a hammer which shatters a rock?"
5. Awaken to God's grace. Titus 2:12 His grace empowers us to change, to stop sinning, and to live godly.
6. Refuse to give in to condemnation. Condemnation keeps you bound to your present condition. When you realize Jesus doesn't condemn you, power comes. John 8:11
7. Speak to the mountain that hasn't changed. Mark 11:23
Think It & Say It:
- I embrace the truth that as I renew my mind to the Word of God, He is transforming me.
- I am free from condemnation because
- I belong to Jesus Christ.
- I embrace His grace and power to change me, in Jesus' Name.
Day 4: "I just don't feel I do enough for God."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2Today we're fasting from the thought that says:
We've all thought that at times. Let's change it today:
1. Look at what the Lord has done. It honors and blesses God most to reflect on what He has done for you. Psalm 103:1-3 tells us to forget none of His benefits.
2. Live FROM God; not FOR God. As you fill your heart with His Word and meditate on His love—His life will flow FROM you. Galatians 2:20
3. Meditation produces application. Joshua 1:8 AS you renew your thoughts to God's Word, you will end up DOING what He wants you to do.
4. Give thanks in everything. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, "For this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus." A continual attitude of thankfulness will land you right in the center of God's will.
5. Shift your focus on "WHO" not "DO". It’s all about your relationship with Him. Love Him today freely; because He first loved you. 1 John 4:19 Relationship WITH Him will produce action FOR Him.
6. "WHO" produces "DO". When you know WHO you are in Christ, that produces the power to DO the right things. Know who you are. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Think It & Say It:
Today I live from God.
-I am in Him.
-I bless and honor God by thinking about what He has done for me.
-I fill my heart with His Words and His life flows from me.
-In continually thanking Him, I end up in the center of His will, in Jesus' Name
Day 5: "I just don't measure up as a Christian."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2Today we're fasting from the thought that says:
Today we're fasting from the thought that says:
"I just don't measure up as a Christian." I'm sure we've all felt like that before.
Let’s change it TODAY:
1. You're already "UP". Ephesians 2:6 says you are seated with Him in heavenly places. Believe it: You are ABOVE ONLY! Deuteronomy 28:13
2. If you compare, you despair. Stop comparing. 2 Corinthians 10:12 We misunderstand life and ourselves when we compare ourselves to others.
3. Understand the race. It’s not against anyone else. It’s the race to run YOUR course. 2 Timothy 4:7—No one else is on YOUR course. It’s what God has planned for YOU. Jeremiah 29:11
4. Don't pretend to have it all together. Admit, like Paul the apostle, "I don't always do the good that I want to do." Romans 7:19
5. When God sees you, He sees Jesus. If you are born-again, you are His righteousness. 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21
6. See God's arms open wide. Whenever you fall, you can run to Him. 1 John 2:1, John 6:37
7. You are just as amazing as the people you most admire. Believe that. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14
Think It & Say It:
I DO measure up, because God has raised me up and seated me with Christ in heavenly places.
I am above only.
I refuse to compare myself to others.
I am inferior to no one. I am running the race God has for ME.
I am His righteousness, and if I fall, He picks me back up, in Jesus' Name.
Day 6: "It's just so hard to be a Christian."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2Today we're fasting from the thought that says:
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "It's just so hard to be a Christian."
We are going to break this mentality, once and for all, because it is the single most often misunderstood concept that is keeping believers defeated. Let’s change it today:
1. It’s not hard to be something you already are. Jesus made you a Christian, and there's nothing that can change that. 2 Corinthians 5:17
2. It is He who made us, and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3. Selah—pause—think on that. HE MADE YOU A CHRISTIAN.
3. Jesus did it all. When He said, "It is finished" in John 19:30, He meant: I did everything necessary for you to be saved and victorious—now just believe it.
4. Start realizing "Christ-ian" means "Christ-IN". He is in you. Its IMPOSSIBLE for you to fail at being a Christian, when the anointing, the Christ is built-in you. 2 Corinthians 13:5, Colossians 1:27, Galatians 2:20
5. Reverse your thinking. Think: It’s easy to be a Christian. "Take My yoke…My yoke is EASY. My burden is light." Matthew 11:27 You are yoked/connected/hitched to Him!
Think It & Say It:
It is easy to live the Christian life, because Christ is in me.
He is at work in me. He is alive in me.
He is at love in me. I am not alone, and never will be.
I am yoked to Him, and that’s what makes Christianity a relationship with God, rather than a duty for God.
I am free, in Jesus' Name!
Day 7: "I just don't know what to do."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I just don't know what to do." This mindset often paralyzes us and keeps us from taking action. Let's Change It Today:
1. Always remember what you have. You HAVE the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16)
2. You know God! (Daniel 11:32) Those who know God will TAKE ACTION. If you're born again, you have an instinctive sense of God's voice and direction. Expect it.
3. Your spirit ALREADY knows! This is why we renew our MINDS—to get our minds in agreement with God's Word & our spirit.
4. Take the first step! There's always a first step to your solution and your destiny. Jesus didn't tell the paralyzed man to RUN into his destiny. He told him the first step: "Arise."
5. It's easier than you've thought. Do what you know. Don't fret what you don't know. First step is usually: Pray, or forgive, or plant a seed.
Think It & Say It:
I HAVE the mind of Christ, so I know what to do.
Because I know God, I TAKE ACTION.
I can take the first step into my destiny.
As I pray, forgive or give, I am always moving toward my answer, in Jesus' Name
Day 8: "I haven't done enough for the miracle I need."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I haven't done enough for the miracle I need."
Let's Change It Today:
1. Jesus did it all! Miracles are acts of grace. It's not about what we've done; but what He did. Believe that the finished work of Jesus is enough for your miracle. (John 19:30)
2. Trust the character of God. He's the same yesterday, today & forever (Hebrews 13:8).
3. He works miracles among you by hearing with faith. (Galatians 3:5)
4. Look up, expecting to receive. (Acts 3:5) Miracles happen in an atmosphere of expectation.
5. Feed your faith with the Word of God. (Mark 6:5-6) The remedy for unbelief is God's Word. Faith comes from hearing His Word. Keep a stream of God's Word flowing into your eyes, ears & heart.
Think It & Say It:
God's miracles aren't something
I have to earn or work for or deserve.
They are acts of favor & grace.
Jesus did all that is necessary for me to receive His work of power in my life.
I take Him at His Word and expect Him to work miracles in my midst, just as He promised, in Jesus' Name!
Day 9: "Something bad is bound to happen to me."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today, we're fasting from the thought that says, "Something bad is bound to happen to me."
Let's change it today:
1. Remember, expectation is the womb of manifestation. Acts 3:5
2. Believe God's promise—Psalm 91:10 MESSAGE TRANSLATION--"Evil can't get close to you, harm can't get through the door. He ordered His angels to guard you wherever you go." YES!
3. Give God something to work with. Ephesians 3:20 says He is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think.
4. Ask for good to come your way. In the same way that we 'have not because we ask not', we also can HAVE, because we ask. James 4:2
5. Believe you're loved by God and go to sleep expecting good to happen to you! Psalm127:2 says God gives to His beloved WHILE he is sleeping.
6. Love God. Romans 8:28 Even bad things that happen around you will TURN INTO GOOD for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. That’s YOU!
Think It & Say It:
I look up today expecting to receive good in my life from God.
I ask you Lord for good to come and I expect it.
Even the bad things that have happened are turning around for good, for me.
Something GOOD is going to happen to me, in Jesus' Name.
Day 10: "I can't shake my past."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we fast from the thought that says, "I can't shake my past." Often our past is what limits us, and keeps us defeated.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Meet the new you. You truly are a NEW CREATION—if you are in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
2. God will use your past. Live in Romans 8:28. All things, including your past, works for your GOOD! While your past is over, God can make it work to your advantage.
3. You are more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37) That includes your past. You are a conqueror. See yourself that way.
4. You are NOT GUILTY. No matter how guilty you WERE. You ARE NOW NOT GUILTY. (Romans 8:1)
5. You CAN shake it off. In Acts 28:5 Paul shook off the serpent. And you HAVE the power to do so as well. (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:18)
Think It & Say It:
I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; and no matter how bad my past is, it's not only forgiven—it's washed away.
I am more than a conqueror and I will not be pushed around by memories or people in my past.
I am NOT guilty.
I shake off my past.
And I expect God will turn it around for good, in some miraculous way, in Jesus' Name.
Day 11: "Things really look bad."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Things really look bad."
The current state of things in the world, the economy or in your life may look bad, but we must resist this mentality from creating negative energy in our lives.
Let’s change it today:
1. Stop listening to false evidence. F.E.A.R. acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. Walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
2. Fix your eyes and keep your eyes on ONE PROMISE from God's Word today; and things will start to change. 2 Corinthians 3:18
3. Get out from "under the circumstances." See yourself as the head and not the tail—ABOVE ONLY and not underneath. Deuteronomy 28:13
4. Fall in love with "SURELY". Psalm 23:6 says “Surely GOODNESS & lovingkindness shall FOLLOW you all the days of your life.”
Goodness will SURELY/ABSOLUTELY show up in your life, as you renew your mind to these thoughts. Psalm 23:2
5. Shift your hope OFF of others and the way things look. Put your hope and expectation in God only. Psalm 146:5 says HAPPY is he who's hope is in God. Think It & Say It:
I walk by faith today, and will not be moved by how bad things look.
I fix my eyes on the promise of God that goodness and mercy will follow me.
As I fast from wrong thinking, things are getting better for me.
I am the head and above only.
I look at life from God's point of view, and IT IS GOOD, in Jesus' Name!
Day 12: “What's going to stop tragedy from happening to me?”
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: “What's going to stop tragedy from happening to me?”
Let's change it today:
1. You don't have to be lucky. You're BLESSED. (Galatians 3:9,13) Blessed coming in and going out. (Deuteronomy 28:6)
2. Think FAITH, not FATE. Rid your mind of a fatalistic mentality. God's plans for you are for good and not calamity. (Jeremiah 29:11) Believe this promise is for you TODAY.
3. Adopt a BLOOD COVENANT MENTALITY. The children of Israel were protected from disaster by putting blood over their doorposts. (Exodus 12:23)
4. Renew your mind to the BETTER COVENANT. You have the blood of Jesus which gives even BETTER protection and provision. (Hebrews 8:6)
5. Think victor not victim. You are not a victim of Satan's plan to steal, kill and destroy. You are a vital part of God's plan to give you life abundantly.
6. Embrace you have the God ordained RIGHT to divine protection. Expect it. Psalm 91:10 says NO EVIL SHALL BEFALL YOU.
Think It & Say It:
I am blessed coming in and going out.
I don't need luck and I don't live by fate.
I live by faith.
I am safe under the shadow of God's covenant with me.
I am destined for God's great plan for my life, in Jesus' Name!
Day 13 - "God must not care; because He hasn't done anything to stop this."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "God must not care; because He hasn't done anything to stop this."
Whether it’s our personal lives, or what is happening in the world, don't give in to the temptation to blame God.
Let’s change it TODAY:
1. Refuse to accuse. When we're uncertain or afraid, we accuse—either God, others or ourselves. Instead, trust Him with ALL your heart! (Proverbs 3:5)
2. You've got the POWER! God has given man power & authority to stop certain things through prayer, choices, words. (James 5:17. Proverbs 18:21)
3. Heaven allows what we allow. Matthew 18:18 says, "…and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”
4. Embrace the power of His love for you. When you believe in His love for you, things change. (Deuteronomy 23:5)
5. He's in your boat! Choose faith over fear. (Mark 4:38-40)
6. Be Word-minded; not world-minded. God doesn't wait to react to world events. Instead, He is watching over His Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) Believe, pray & speak His Word.
Think It & Say It:
I trust God no matter what is happening in my life and world.
I have the power to change things in my words, prayer and decisions.
God's love for me is EVEN NOW turning cursed things into blessings.
Jesus is in my boat carrying out His Word, in Jesus' Name.
Day 14: "There's something deeply wrong with me."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "There's something deeply wrong with me." The awareness of our flaws can be crippling, but God has provided a solution.
Let's change it TODAY:
1. Fix your eyes on His RIGHTS, rather than your wrongs. Be Christ-absorbed; and you will no longer be self-absorbed. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith and your life—Hebrews 12:1-2.
2. Replace sin-consciousness with righteousness consciousness—In Christ, you are His righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) When God looks at you, He sees His Son—without guilt, shame, inferiority or fear.
3. Right-being; not right doing. When you understand righteousness is right-being, it produces right-doing. (1 Corinthians 15:34)
4. Stop thinking B.C. (Before Christ!) You and I were a total mess without Jesus. But you have been created in Christ Jesus and you are in Him. There is nothing deeply wrong IN HIM.
(1 Corinthians 1:31)
5. We don't measure up; but that was SWALLOWED up—Jesus swallowed up all that was wrong with us and made us new.
(1 Corinthians 15:54, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
6. What you're not happy with about yourself, is your PAST. It’s not the real you. The real you is a BLOOD BOUGHT, BLOOD-WASHED child of God—reigning as a king in this life! (Revelations 1:5-6)
Think It & Say It:
I fix my eyes on His rights, rather than my wrongs.
I am Christ-absorbed; and all my shortcomings and deep flaws are swallowed up in Christ.
I am a king because of what HE made me, and my right-being in Him, produces right-doing, in Jesus' Name!
Day 14: "There's something deeply wrong with me."
40 Days of "FASTING FROM WRONG THINKING, BELIEVING, SPEAKING & ACTIONS! Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "There's something deeply wrong with me." The awareness of our flaws can be crippling, but God has provided a solution.
Let's change it TODAY:
1. Fix your eyes on His RIGHTS, rather than your wrongs. Be Christ-absorbed; and you will no longer be self-absorbed. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith and your life—Hebrews 12:1-2.
2. Replace sin-consciousness with righteousness consciousness—In Christ, you are His righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) When God looks at you, He sees His Son—without guilt, shame, inferiority or fear.
3. Right-being; not right doing. When you understand righteousness is right-being, it produces right-doing. (1 Corinthians 15:34)
4. Stop thinking B.C. (Before Christ!) You and I were a total mess without Jesus. But you have been created in Christ Jesus and you are in Him. There is nothing deeply wrong IN HIM.
(1 Corinthians 1:31)
5. We don't measure up; but that was SWALLOWED up—Jesus swallowed up all that was wrong with us and made us new.
(1 Corinthians 15:54, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
6. What you're not happy with about yourself, is your PAST. It’s not the real you. The real you is a BLOOD BOUGHT, BLOOD-WASHED child of God—reigning as a king in this life! (Revelations 1:5-6)
Think It & Say It:
I fix my eyes on His rights, rather than my wrongs.
I am Christ-absorbed; and all my shortcomings and deep flaws are swallowed up in Christ.
I am a king because of what HE made me, and my right-being in Him, produces right-doing, in Jesus' Name!
Day 15: "I promise you God…"
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we are fasting from the thought that says, "I promise you God…" We've all made promises to God to live godly, to pray, to stop sinning, etc. This sounds holy. But it is NOT New Testament living and usually leads to disappointment.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Christianity is not about the promises we make to God, but the promises He makes to us. (Galatians 3:29, 4:28)
2. It's His promises that make us holy, not our promises! 2 Peter 1:4 says, "…by His magnificent promises, you partake of His divine nature…"
3. Base your whole life on what God has promised. (Acts 1:4) This is a mindset. Don't do anything without a promise from God's Word about it. They NEVER fail. Joshua 21:45 says, "…all came to pass."
4. There is a promise for that! There is a promise from God for every area of life. Find it & know that God says YES! (2 Corinthians 1:20)
5. Live by faith! We receive His promises by faith, not by something we can promise to do or achieve. (Romans 4:13)
Think It & Say It:
My life is not built upon the promises I make to God, but the promises He makes to me.
All His promises are yes, and I adopt this mindset to build my whole life and decisions upon His promises.
It is His promises that empower me to live holy, in this life, in Jesus' Name!
Day 16: "I wish…." I wish I was rich. I wish I could lose weight. I wish I had someone to love, etc"
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I wish…." I wish I was rich. I wish I could lose weight. I wish I had someone to love, etc. God has something better for us than wishing.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Stop wishing & start asking. James 4:2 says, "we don't have because we don't ask." Dare to ask.
2. Treat wishing as a signal to go to God about what is missing in your life. (John 16:24)
3. You CAN get satisfaction! Wishing is a sign of a dissatisfied feeling in life. Ask God to SATISFY you according to Psalm 91:16 and Philippians 4:19.
4. Abide in the Word. (John 15:7) Believe you can ask for and receive anything He has promised, as you're abiding in God's Word.
5. You're better & bigger than wasting your time wishing. You know God. Instead of wishing, take the next action step toward your goal. (Daniel 11:32)
6. Understand the difference between wishing and believing. Wishing prepares you for defeat. Believing prepares you for victory. (1 John 5:4)
Think It & Say It:
I don't have to live in wishful thinking—I dare to ask & expect to receive. God satisfies my life and supplies all my needs.
I live in the promises of God's Word and His fulfillment lives in me.
I take action toward His purpose and I expect victory today, in Jesus' Name.
Day 17: "I need to be in the right place at the right time."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today, we're fasting from the thought that says: "I need to be in the right place at the right time." This mindset is limiting and based on chance or luck.
Let's Change It Today!
1. YOU are the right place! Why? Because if you're born-again, God lives in you and His presence makes the difference in life. It didn't matter that 3 men were in the fiery furnace. The 4th Man was WITH them! (Daniel 3:25)
2. God's provision is not limited. It didn't matter that the children of Israel were alone in the wilderness. God's provision made the difference. (Deuteronomy 8:16)
3. You are surrounded! Psalm 5:12 says FAVOR surrounds you. Favor turns the wrong place & time into the right place & time. Expect it.
4. You are being followed! That's a good thing! Psalm 23:6 declares, "Goodness & mercy follow YOU all your days." That means TODAY!
5. Time is NOT your enemy. In ONE moment, God can turn around YEARS of defeat & frustration. (Esther 9:1)
Think It & Say It:
I am the right place because God's presence lives in me!
His presence makes all the difference.
His provision is not limited by time or space.
I am surrounded by favor today, and I'm being followed every day by goodness and mercy, in Jesus' Name.
Day 18: "Success seems to elude my grasp."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today, we're fasting from the thought that says: "Success seems to elude my grasp." Many people are frustrated because they're going after the right thing, in the wrong way.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Success begins with a relationship. In John 15:7 Jesus said, 'Abide in Me & let My words abide in you—THEN you shall ask what you want and it shall be done!'
2. You see success as a thing rather than a person. Success is a person. It is Jesus. Everywhere He went, He did good. He healed all. He turned everything bad into something good. (Acts 10:38.) And He is with you & in you! (Colossians 1:27)
3. Outrageous success is God's will for your life! Ephesians 3:20 says, "…exceeding abundantly above & beyond, ALL that you can ask or think." Let this permeate your thinking.
4. Stop trying to find success. It will find you! Matthew 6:33 tells us "Seek first the Kingdom of God…these things will be ADDED to you." Psalm 1:1-3 says as we meditate on the Word day & night…whatever we do will prosper and succeed.
5. You're surrounded! It's just a matter of who & what you're surrounded by. Surround your mind with success thoughts. Surround yourself with successful godly people. (Psalm 1, Joshua 1)
Think It & Say It:
My relationship with God is the beginning of true success in my life.
As His Word abides in me as my new way of thinking, my success is inevitable.
Jesus is the definition of success and He lives in me.
I choose to meditate on the Word of God, which is the source of all success and prosperity!
Day 19: "It must not be God's will or it would have happened."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Stay with us these 40 days of fasting from wrong thinking, because it IS working! It's impossible to stay the same, if you renew your mind to God's Word.
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "It must not be God's will or it would have happened."
Let's Change It Today:
1. God's Word is His will. If God promised something in His Word, it IS His will. Believe it.
2. Don't let your current condition control what you believe. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is…the evidence of things NOT seen." Just because you haven't seen it yet, doesn't mean it's not God's will.
3. He is watching over His word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12)
4. Keep standing. Jesus said to pray "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven". He invites us to change our current situation to line up with heaven. Don't be moved.
5. The force be with you! Renewing your mind to God's Word is the FORCE that brings God's will to pass in your life. (Romans 12:2)
6. Time is on YOUR side. Eccesiastes 3:11 says He makes all things beautiful in His time. Trust God's timing. His promises are germinating in you. Keep the Word hidden in your heart. It will bloom.
Think It & Say It
God's will is His Word, and I choose to believe what God says, no matter what things look like.
I expect His will to be done in my life, because He is watching over His word to perform it.
I can patiently expect God's will come to pass as I pray the Word and renew my mind, in Jesus' Name.
Day 20: “God must be rewarding "them" and not "me".
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting/abstaining from/giving up the thought that says: “God must be rewarding "them" and not "me".
Let's change it TODAY:
1. God has enough to reward EVERYONE. Psalm 145:16 says He satisfies the desire of EVERY living thing. His reward for one person doesn't come at the expense of someone else.
2. SETTLE THIS: God honors His Word above anything. (Psalm138:2) Cling to His Word, and you will get honored with it.
3. Get your thoughts off THEM, and on HIM. (Hebrews 12:2) When you take your eyes off Him, He can't finish what you're believing for. Fix your eyes on Him.
4. It’s easier to seek Him than you think: Get His thought on every situation. It’s in His Word. REWARDS WILL COME. (Hebrews 11:6)
5. See other people's promotion or reward, as a PREDICTION of yours. (Revelations 19:10)
6. You have favor, in Christ. Expect it. (Psalm 5:12)
Think It & Say It:
God is MY Rewarder.
I adopt His thinking regarding each situation, and He rewards me.
I fix my eyes on Him, and He finishes my faith. Favor surrounds me; promotion surrounds me, and God's rewards surround me, in Jesus' Name.
Day 21: "What have I done?"
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "What have I done?"
We have all blown it, big time. We are sometimes shocked by our own attitude or action. The feeling of devastation and regret paralyzes.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Meet Jesus, the Redeemer. You may know Him as Savior. But He is also REDEEMER. (Isaiah 54:8) That means, He can turn around even the most devastating mistake you've made. Whatever you have done can be redeemed.
2. Refuse to wake up with regret. Psalm 30:5 says, "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning." Mercy is new EVERY morning. Receive it right now and relax.
3. Come to the throne. (Hebrews 4:15) We can boldly go to God's throne of grace to receive mercy and grace. RECEIVE.
4. Don't beat yourself up. You've "blown it", but God has "blown it away" through the blood of Jesus. (Revelations 1:5)
5. Satan can't touch you. When you realize you are IN CHRIST, there is no condemnation. (Romans 8:1)
6. Grace abounds! (Romans 5:20) Believe in the grace that abounds & EMPOWERS. Titus 2:11 says grace also EMPOWERS you to walk away from sin and regret.
Think It & Say It:
Jesus is my Redeemer. No matter how bad I've blown it, He forgives me and REMOVES my transgression. He will turn it around.
I will not live in regret, because of past, even recent past, is OVER. It is washed away.
I receive the grace of forgiveness and the grace of empowerment to live in victory.
There is NOW no condemnation, because I am in Christ Jesus, amen!
Day 22: "I'm not good at…."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I'm not good at…."
Often our fleshly thinking makes excuses to stay defeated or mediocre. "I'm not good at relationships" or "I'm not good at forgiving" or "I'm not good at budgeting", etc. These excuses paralyze us from believing we can change, improve, or do well.
Let's Change This Thinking Today:
1. Jesus did ALL things well. (Mark 7:37) And He lives in you! (Romans 8:11) And you are IN HIM. (Acts 17:28) In Him we live and move and have our being.
2. Power up. Your strength comes from Him not yourself. Philippians 4:13 says you can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens you.
3. Adopt 'grace-thinking'. God's grace is His ability to do what you can't do in your own ability. His grace is sufficient for you to be good at anything you need to be. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
4. It starts with desire. You gotta want to get better; or want to want to. In John 5:6 Jesus said: "Do you want to be get better?" Ask God for this desire.
5. Jesus has been made unto you wisdom! (1 Corinthians 1:30) Wisdom makes you good! Proverbs 8:14-15 says, "Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding. I have strength. By me kings reign…"
6. Expect your weakness to be turned to strength. Hebrews 11:34 says, "From weakness, they were made strong." As we live by faith, believing God's promises, He turns our weaknesses into strengths.
Think It & Say It:
Jesus did all things well, and He lives in me. Therefore I can do all things well. I am getting better.
I refuse to excuse my status quo.
I am not staying the same. God's grace, His ability is making me better at the things that have been hard for me.
Jesus is my wisdom and strength.
My weaknesses are turning into strengths, in Jesus' Name.
Day 23: "I'm trying so hard to please God."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "I'm trying so hard to please God." While hard effort should be our mindset when it comes to our business, it should not be our mindset when it comes to pleasing God and obtaining His approval.
Let's Change Our Thinking Today:
1. It is finished! (John 19:30) When you put your faith in the finished work of Jesus for salvation & approval, you are NOW pleasing to God.
2. Jesus pleased God FOR you! Isaiah 53:10 says it pleased the Lord to crush Him (on the cross), to make His life a substitute & a sacrifice for our sin.
3. Faith simply pleases God. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith is to believe what Jesus did and to believe what God's Word says.
4. Follow the Leader. Jesus was loved & approved BY God BEFORE He ever did anything FOR God. (Mark 1:11) That's our example. Accept this amazing love.
5.It's APPROVE-ment before IMPROVE-ment. You don't have to improve yourself to be approved by God. When you know you're approved by God, your life will improve in marvelous ways. (Mark 1:11)
6. It pleases God to reveal His Son to us and in us. (Galatians 1:15,16) Truly knowing Jesus—that's what pleases God.
Think It & Say It:
I am NOW pleasing God by believing Jesus finished all that is necessary for my salvation.
Jesus death on the cross, pleased the Lord, satisfied the full price of sin that displeased Him.
I am loved and pleasing to God simply by believing that.
I am approved BY God, without doing anything FOR Him first. In Christ Jesus, I am well-pleasing to God!
Day 24: "I'm just not holy enough."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I'm just not holy enough."
Today we need to renew our mind to what holiness is and how to experience it in our lives. Don't be moved by how things appear in your life right now.
Let's Change Our Thinking Today:
1. An Old Testament command is a New Testament PROMISE. 1 Peter 1:16 says, "Be holy, for I am holy." See holiness as: who you are in Christ. As He is, so ARE you. (1 John 4:17)
2. Holiness flows from understanding the gift of righteousness. 1 Corinthians 15:34 says that as you AWAKE to righteousness, you will not sin. To "awake" means to be aware that you are the righteousness of God, in Christ.
3. It is the Holy Spirit that makes you holy. You don't make yourself holy. He comes inside to work inside you. Philippians 2:13 says it is God at work IN you, both to will and work for His good pleasure.
4. Attachment, not Detachment. Holiness is not De-tachment from bad; but AT-tachment to God. As you are attached to God & His Word, the things that are unholy detach themselves from you.
5. Holiness means to agree with God. When you are born again, and you believe you are what God's Word says you are, the nature of God will flow from you. Holy living comes from knowing "holy-ness" is in you, as a new creature.
Think It & Say It:
I walk in the promise of holiness.
I am holy, as God is because He said, as He is, so am I in this life.
The Holy Spirit is working in me to bring about His holiness. I am attached to God, and unholiness detaches from me.
I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus and I agree with God & His word, which makes me truly holy, in Jesus' Name.
Day 25: "I can't seem to break this curse"; or "I feel cursed."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "I can't seem to break this curse"; or "I feel cursed."
Many people feel cursed when bad things happen, or when they seem to happen repeatedly. We can also feel like if a problem or disease runs in our family, it's bound to happen to us, too. But it doesn't have to!
Let's Change Our Thinking Today:
1. The curse IS already broken! Galatians 3:13 says, Jesus redeemed us from the curse, by becoming a curse for us, when He died on the cross. Identify with the finished work of the cross. Declare that the curse is broken, and you are the blessed!
2. You are of a new bloodline. When you are born-again, the blood of Jesus runs through your veins. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Start expecting the blessing on His life, to be on yours. You are a joint-heir with Jesus Christ. You are His family. And His blessing runs in the family! (Romans 8:16-17)
3. Adopt a 'covenant mindset'. You are the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:29 says, when you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed and the blessings that came to him, will come to you. God made a covenant with Abraham, to bless him in every way (Genesis 24:1). That promise is yours!
4. Embrace the right identity. You can choose which identity you will live out: The one your family gave you; or the one God gave you. In Judges 11:1, history called Jephthah the son of a prostitute. BUT GOD called him a mighty man of valor. Choose God's calling over your life. Stop expecting the habits or problems of your family's past to be yours.
5. Expect ALL the blessings because of Jesus. Deuteronomy 28:2 says: "All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you." Blessings are no longer earned through OUR obedience. They are given to you through Jesus Christ's obedience. (Romans 5:17-19)
Think It & Say It:
I am redeemed! Jesus destroyed the curse 2000 years ago.
I am of a new bloodline. The blood of Jesus runs through my veins. His blessing runs in the family, and I'm His family!
I am covenant-minded. As the seed of Abraham, I expect his blessings in my life. I expect all the blessings to come upon me and overtake me, because I am in Christ Jesus!
I refuse to accept what history calls me. I accept what God calls me, in Jesus' Name.
Day 26: "I feel like giving up."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "I feel like giving up."
Giving up covers a wide spectrum. A person might feel like giving up on anything from their faith, to their marriage, to their life. Why does anyone FEEL like giving up? Because of the way they think.
Let's Change This Thinking Today:
1. God never gives up on you! (Hebrews 13:5) And you are made in His image. Believe that you are wired to persevere.
2. You have POWER. You have the power to endure. (2 Timothy 1:7)
3. Get to the root. FEAR makes hearts faint or quit. Luke 21:26 says, "men's hearts fainting from fear, and for the anxious expectation of what is coming on the world." Ask God for a revelation of God's perfect love for you. Fear leaves. (1 John 4:18)
4. Your thoughts control your feelings. Don't worry about the feelings. Deal with the thoughts.
5. It's just your imagination! Giving up starts in your thinking (Hebrews 12:3) and then becomes an imagination, that then leads to a stronghold (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Speak to these thoughts and they will obey you.
6. Remember: He is your finisher. Hebrews 12:2 says: "He is the author and finisher of your faith." Whatever you feel you can't finish--Jesus will finish for you, in you, and through you. Fix your eyes on Him. Fix your mind and eyes on Jesus right now.
Think It & Say It:
I will not be moved by the feelings of giving up. God doesn't quit on me; so I won't quit.
I have the power to persevere. I am made in God's image. Fear makes people quit, and God's perfect love for me drives out fear.
I speak to the thoughts of giving up, and I command them to leave my life.
RJesus is the author and finisher of my faith, so I cannot fail, in Jesus' Name!
Day 27: "I feel like God is unhappy with me."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I feel like God is unhappy with me." This thinking is a root to much unhappiness and insecurity in our lives.
Let's change it today:
1. Break the performance mindset. You don't have to perform for God. He's happy He made you. (Zechariah 2:8)
2. God is all about RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. That makes Him happy. (Luke 15:22-24)
3. Luke 12:32 says, "…It gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom."(NLT) Accept His free and generous gifts.
4. Just believe. (Hebrews 11:6) It's our faith that pleases God.
5. Remain convinced of His love for you; no matter what & love one another. This makes God happy. (John 15:10-12)
6. The most generous are the most happy. (Acts 20:35) God gave you Jesus—He's happy you received Him.
7. Uncertain = unhappy. God has NO uncertainty about your future. (Jeremiah 29:11) He knows the end from the beginning.
Think It & Say It:
I have made God happy by believing what He did for me and believing what He says.
He loves me and is smiling at me, as I am the apple of His eye.
His future for me is settled in His mind, and He is happy to give me the Kingdom. I receive it, in Jesus' Name.
Day 28: Excuse-Making Mentalities
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from Excuse-Making Mentalities. Success cannot come to the person who makes excuses.
Let’s change it today!
1. Refuse to excuse mediocrity. 1 Thessalonians 4:1 says “...Excel still more...” Don’t give in to the temptation to settle for where you’re at. Press forward for more of what He has for you. (Philippians 3:13-14)
2. Refuse to excuse the way you grew up…saying that you were born on the wrong side of the tracks or you’re limited by your upbringing. You may have been born on the wrong side of the tracks, but you've been born again; and you don't have to stay there. Cross the tracks NOW. (Romans 8:37)
3. Refuse to excuse unforgiveness. We sometimes think, “you just don't know what they did to me”, but the truth is: God knows what WE did to HIM and He still forgives us. Let it go.
4. Refuse to excuse lack of support. In John 5:7 the lame man said, “I have no man to help me.” He used that as an excuse to remain in his condition. Even if everyone lets us down, God will support us. (Psalm 27:10)
5. Redirect your effort. It takes EFFORT to come up with excuses. Redirect the same energy, toward finding a solution—and you will. Matt.7:7.
6. Faith Finds a way! Luke 5:18-20 says, “When they could not find a way to get in, they went up on the roof and lowered their friend...right in front of Jesus.” Refuse to accept that there is no way.
I eliminate excuse-making from my thoughts and words.
I will no longer excuse or justify mediocrity in my life;
I will not allow lack or failure in my life. God will always provide a way for me to succeed and I will press on to experience it, in Jesus' Name.
Day 29: "This problem is too big!"
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today, we're fasting from the thought that says: "This problem is too big!"
We all have problems. And they can seem overwhelming. They can SEEM too big for us to handle…
Let's Change This Thinking Today:
1. The problem is not the problem! When the disciples' boat was sinking, they thought the problem was the wind & water filling their boat. The problem was: they didn't believe God cared. (Mark 4:38) Start here: God cares. And He's WITH you in the boat!
2. Remember what you have. When the widow was in debt and about to lose everything, the prophet asked: "what do you HAVE in your house?" (2 Kings 4:2) The solution to anything starts with thinking on what we already HAVE, not what we don't have.
3. Talk TO the problem; not ABOUT it. The more you talk about it the bigger it gets. The more you talk TO it, the smaller it gets. (Mark 11:23-24)
4. Ditch the grasshopper mentality. Numbers 13:33 says, "…we felt like grasshoppers, so that’s what they thought too." That was the evil report. It's evil to think of yourself smaller than the problem.
5. The only giant in the land is YOU. You don't have a giant problem. You ARE a giant, and you have a little problem. 1 John 4:4 says, "Greater is He that is in YOU, than he that is in the world." If the Greatest One lives in you, that makes you pretty big!
6. God is already on it. Psalm 138:8 says He will accomplish those things that concern you. No problem stands a chance against God's plan.
Think It & Say It:
The problem is not my problem. God is with me.
His love is too great to let this thing defeat me.
I have what I need to beat it.
I talk to the problem and it must obey me.
I reject the grasshopper mentality.
I am the giant in the land.
I shall by all means go up and possess the land.
The Greater One lives in me, and that makes me greater than the problem, in Jesus' Name!
Day 30: "I feel defeated."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I feel defeated." You may be down, you may be in a valley; but we are not going to accept a mindset of defeat.
Let's change it today:
1. You are a chip off the old block. God put His seed, His DNA in you. (Genesis 1:26) If He can't be defeated; neither can you.
2. FALLING isn't FAILING. (Proverbs 24:16) A righteous man may fall 7 times; but he gets back up.
3. Victorious is WHO YOU ARE. You've been MADE more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37)
4. The Word of God is more powerful than thoughts of defeat. SAY to these thoughts and feelings: "If God be for me, who can be against me." (Romans 8:31)
5. Expect even the bad to turn into good. (Romans 8:28)
6. Jesus is praying for you. In Luke 22:32 it shows Jesus praying "…that your faith will not fail." His prayers ALWAYS get answered…so REJOICE!
Think It & Say It:
I am made in God's image to WIN.
Even when I fall, I can't fail. Even bad situations turn around for my good; because of God's love in me.
Jesus is praying for me, and therefore I will not be defeated another day in my life, in Jesus' Name!
Day 31: "My best chances for GREAT success have passed me by."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we are fasting from the though that says "My best chances for GREAT success have passed me by."
Let's change it today:
1. Success is a person, not a thing. It's not something we obtain. It's WHO WE ARE when God is with us. Genesis 39:1-2 tells us '…Joseph was a SUCCESSFUL MAN.'
2. It's not CHANCE, but CHOICE. Decision is the doorway into reality. Decide that you ARE a wildly successful person. (Deutoronomy 30:19)
3. Seeds of success are in your thoughts. Meditate on (think, ponder, chew) the Word of God day and night, and success will show up. (Joshua 1:8)
4. What goes DOWN must come UP. Keep planting the seeds of God's promises in your life & heart. They will grow up. (Galatians 6:9)
5. Don't see time as your enemy. In ONE MOMENT, God can turnaround YEARS of defeat & frustration into victory. (Esther 9:1)
6. Keep on ASKING, SEEKING, KNOCKING and doors will open. (Luke 11:9)
Think It & Say It:
I am a successful and prosperous person because the Lord is with me.
In fact, I am wildly successful.
I choose to believe it and that settles it.
Time is not my enemy. God multiplies my time and opportunities, in Jesus' Name.
Day 32: “I just don’t make enough money at my job.”
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today, we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I just don’t make enough money at my job.”
Let’s change it TODAY:
1. Your job is not your ‘source’. God is your source. Philippians 4:19 says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His Christ Jesus.” Notice, He meets your need according to His riches, not according to your salary.
2. See your job as your SEED capital. Remember, SEED meets NEED. (Genesis 8:22) THIS THINKING MUST PENETRATE OUR LIVES. Our SEED is what determines our harvest. Our job provides us with seed to sow into God’s Kingdom.
3. THINK SUPERNATURAL. Don’t let life brainwash you into NATURAL EXPECTATIONS. Believe in the supernatural provision of God. Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do exceeding abundantly ABOVE AND BEYOND, ALL you can ask or think.
4. Ask bigger, and think bigger! (Ephesians 3:20)
5. EXPECT harvests. If you have tithed, sowed, given—you have stored up harvests that will come. Galatians 6:6-9 says “In due season, you shall reap...”
6. Expect stolen things restored 7-fold! (Proverbs 6:31-32) Identify money, opportunities or blessings that have been stolen from you by the devil. And demand that he give it back. (Matthew 18:18)
Think It & Say It:
God’s riches are available to me, as I put Him first in my life. God is my source. I will not be limited by my salary.
I expect SUPERNATURAL harvests from all the good seeds I’ve sown.
I command all stolen opportunities, money and blessings to be returned to me, in Jesus’ Name!
Day 33: "I can't expect to be blessed ALL the time."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I can't expect to be blessed ALL the time."
Let's change it TODAY!
1. God HAS already blessed you in heavenly places. (Ephesians 1:3) So EXPECT those blessings to show up 'ON EARTH as it is in heaven.'
2. Jesus took ALL the curse so you could have ALL the blessing! (Galatians 3:13)
3. Because you are IN CHRIST, you are BLESSED COMING IN AND BLESSED GOING OUT... (Deuteronomy 28:6) …In the city & in the field…
4. You don't follow the blessings. The blessings follow you! And overtake you! (Deuteronomy 28:2—In Christ—Galatians 3:13)
5. Forever forgiven = Forever blessed. (Romans 4:7-8)
6. You are magnetic! Blessings are attracted to an attitude of EXPECTATION. SET YOUR EXPECTATION ON BEING BLESSED!
Think It & Say It:
God has already blessed me.
I cannot be cursed. In Christ, I have ALL the blessings of the Old and New Testament.
The blessings of God will follow me and overtake me.
I am forever blessed and expect blessings all the time, in Jesus' Name.
Day 34: "I don't have enough time. Time is running out on me."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I don't have enough time. Time is running out on me."
Let's change it today:
1. God is the God of increase. He increases ANYTHING you give Him—money, time, love, etc. (Psalm 115:14)
2. Make eternity-decisions, instead of time-decisions. Rise above the limited flow of time & see things as if you were already in heaven. (Colossians 3:2)
3. Expect the suddenly's of God. When you are believing but not seeing, the breakthrough could occur at any second. (2 Chronicles 29:36)
4. Wisdom is better than time. (Proverbs 4:7) Ask God for more! (James 1:5) Wisdom will accelerate success/breakthroughs, etc.
5. Expect God's gifts/blessings WHILE you are sleeping. Psalm 127:2 (NASB) says, "…He gives to His beloved IN THEIR SLEEP."
6. Think: Miracle turnaround. (Esther 9:1)
Think It & Say It:
There is always enough time, because the Creator of time lives in me. I live in the eternal realm, above the limitations of time. I expect the suddenly's of God and receive from Him even while I'm sleeping, in Jesus' Name.
Day 35: “I’ll never get back what's been lost or stolen.”
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I’ll never get back what's been lost or stolen.”
We all know what it’s like to lose money, time, relationships, health or even opportunities. Doubt enters our minds telling us that we won’t get back what has been lost.
Let’s Change It Today:
1. “God will repay.” Stop expecting sins to be repaid. They are forgiven. Instead, expect lost time & years to be repaid. Joel 2:25 says, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten...”
2. God is the God of restoration. He restored double to Job (Job 42). He restored sight (Mark 8). He restored health (Jeremiah 32). He restores MONEY too—Ezekiel 16:53; Deuteronomy 30:3; Jeremiah 29:14 (NASB).
3. He specializes in finding (and restoring) lost things. Luke 15—lost coin, lost sheep, lost son. EXPECT lost things restored today!
4. Call on the seed you’ve sown. Declare to your past seeds, “Harvest, come forth from the seeds I’ve sown”. Galatians 6:9 “ due season, you shall reap if you faint not.”
5. Speak life over your time, health, finances, etc. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of your tongue...” Your words bring power.
6. Expect MORE NOW…MORE than ever. Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think...”
Think It & Say It:
I believe God will restore to me all lost money, opportunities and years. He will repay me for all that has been lost.
I declare to my harvests, COME FORTH! My due season is coming; my seeds are coming forth.
God is my source in times of darkness, and I expect MORE now MORE than ever, in Jesus’ Name!
Day 36: "Nobody loves me."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "Nobody loves me." When you feel unloved, you feel powerless.
Let's change it today:
1. Embrace God's terms of endearment. He calls you "His beloved." (1 Thessalonians 1:4) You don't have to earn His love. It's free.
2. Love yourself. When you know God's love, you can love yourself. As you do, love will flow freely from you, and freely to you. (Mark 12:31)
3. PERFECT love casts out fear (1 John 4:17). The only perfect love is God's love for you. When you accept it, fear leaves; and people are drawn to you.
4. Realize your value. Your value is determined by the price someone would pay to have you. God paid for you with the blood of His Son. (1 Peter 1:18-19)
5. You don't have to change in order to be loved. Believe you're loved by God, and you will change. (Romans 2:4)
Think It & Say It:
I am God's be-loved. Because HE loves me, I can love myself. Love flows freely from me, and toward me and casts out fear. My value comes from God. I am accepted and loved, and that brings the necessary changes that I need in my life, in Jesus' Name.
Day 37: "I'm stressed out."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I'm stressed out."
Stress is a powerful mindset that we are going to dismantle. Stress is a collection of thoughts or fears that bear down on your mind until they penetrate you and control your emotions and body.
Let's Change It Today:
1. Know your enemy. The real enemy is: THINKING that you have to get rid of the enemy! Psalm 23:5 says He prepares a table (fellowship, celebration) in the PRESENCE OF YOUR ENEMIES. Celebrate and praise God in the presence of the pressure, problem or bad news. That's how it loses its power.
2. The Prince of Peace lives IN YOU! (Colossians 1:27) Peace comes from the presence of God, not the absence of problems. Meditate on the FACT that God's presence is in you and with you. Matthew 28:20 says, "…I am with you always…."
3. Your treasure is greater than your trouble. In 2 Corinthians 4:6-8, Paul said, "We are troubled on every side, but not STRESSED." Why? Because he knew he had a treasure inside…the power to speak God's Word and change the situation.
4. Be CERTAIN you are going to make it. Uncertainty is a source of stress. Jesus had peace—even slept—in the midst of a stressful storm. (Mark 4:35-39) How? Because He declared: "We are going to the other side." God's Words create certainty. Philippians 1:6 declares He will finish what He started in you.
5. You're not under stress—you're OVER it! You are seated with Christ in heavenly places—Ephesians 2:1-6. Live life from above—from God's perspective. You're above ONLY and not underneath (Deuteronomy 28:13). The battle is already won. Jesus did it all. Your fight is simply to believe that. Stress leaves.
Think It & Say It:
I am free from the power of stress.
I don't have to get rid of all my problems to get rid of stress.
I have a table in the presence of my enemies. They have NO power over me.
The Prince of Peace lives in me.
I am certain I will make it.
I am going to the other side. The battle is already won.
Jesus did it all. My treasure is greater than my trouble, and I am above stress, and not underneath it, in Jesus' Name.
Day 38: "I feel like I've failed" or "I've failed in my relationship with God…in my faith…in my life."
40 Days of Fasting from wrong Thinking, Speaking, and Believing by RENEWING your mind. Romans 12:2
Today we're fasting from the thought that says: "I feel like I've failed" or "I've failed in my relationship with God…in my faith…in my life."
The feeling of failure can be disheartening and depressing. It can keep us in a cycle of defeat.
Let's Change This Thinking Today:
1. You have resurrection DNA in you! (Romans 8:11) Even in what seems like the worst situation, the SAME SPIRIT that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you!
2. Fall-ing isn't fail-ing. Proverbs 24:16 says a righteous man falls 7 times, but he rises again! (You are righteous in Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:21). See yourself as a riser!
3. Jesus gets His prayers answered! And He is praying for you: that your faith would not fail. Luke 22:32 says Jesus said to Peter (and to YOU) - “I have prayed for you, that your faith would not fail.” YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FAIL!
4. Jesus is turning TO you, not from you! In Luke 22:61, Jesus turned TO Peter after he denied Him. He didn't turn FROM him. You are accepted! This acceptance transformed Peter's life after he hit the bottom!
5. Even when you're doing poorly, God will NOT FAIL you. He's going to make sure you make it. Your relationship with Him was His idea, not yours. He will finish what He started—Philippians 1:6.
6. In one moment, God can turn around years of apparent failure. (Esther 9:1) This was the very day, the tables were now turned! (Msg). In the day of certain defeat, God turned it into total victory. And if He did it for them, He will do it for you! (Galatians 3:29)
Think It & Say It:
I have resurrection DNA in me! It's my new nature to always rise, even when I've fallen. Jesus doesn't turn from me when I've fallen, He turns TO me & prays for me. I cannot fail. He will not fail me. His love will never fail toward me! I am expecting God to turn around my failures & frustrations, in Jesus' Name!
Day 39 - "I don't pray enough."
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I don't pray enough." Many of us would say, 'what's wrong with thinking that, since it's true?'
But the truth is:
1. It's not LENGTH of prayer, but STRENGTH of prayer. Fervent, fiery prayer doesn't have to be long--just strong! (James 5:17)
2. God will still love you if you never pray again! This mindset will draw you close to God in prayer.
3. Plead the promises of God. It's not about praying enough. It's about praying the Word. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
4. God would rather you LISTEN, than you TALK. (Ecclesiastes 5:1) When you listen more, you'll need to pray less, but less will produce more.
5. The "Lord's prayer" starts with "Our Father."(Matthew 6:9) Prayer flows from a LOVE-RELATIONSHIP with God as Father.
6. Expectation produces manifestation. Expect God to do more than you THINK or ASK. (Ephesians 3:20)
Think It & Say It:
I don't have to pray MORE to be loved by God.
True prayer in my life flows out of my love-relationship with God and out of the promises of God.
I listen to God more, and know what to pray. God will exceed my expectations today, in Jesus' Name.
Day 40 - "I'm having such a hard time defeating the devil."
Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "I'm having such a hard time defeating the devil."
1. The devil has ALREADY been defeated—at the cross of Jesus Christ! (John 19:30)
2. It's the fight of faith; not the fight over the devil. Jesus defeated the devil (1 John 3:8). BELIEVE it's already done.
3. It is written! We enforce Jesus' victory over the devil by speaking God's Word! (Matthew 4:4)
4. Let your head CATCH up to your heart! Though God has made us righteous in our heart, by the blood of Jesus, we need to convince our heads of this truth. (1 Corinthians 15:34)
5. TAKE YOUR SEAT! You have been SEATED with Christ FAR ABOVE all the power of the enemy. (Ephesians 2:6, Ephesians 1:21)
6. In Christ, you are just like Jesus! 1 John 4:17 says, "As He is, so are you in this life!"
Think It & Say It:
I walk by faith in the victory that is already mine.
I am seated with Christ FAR ABOVE all the power of the enemy.
As He is, so am I, in Jesus' Name!